Greek Aquarist's Boards - Φόρουμ συζητήσεων γιά το χόμπυ του Ενυδρείου

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My heckel aquarium as it was at the end of January 2008
53 day festivus fry
One day festivus fry
Festivus eggs with pair guarding
Festivus eggs with female guarding
Festivus fry with male guarding
Corydoras adolfoi
Hypancistrus contradens
Dicrossus filamentossus male
Symphysodon discus, Heckel 1840
Symphysodon discus, Heckel 1840 
(in full red-blue appearance)
Symphysodon discus (Heckel 1840) from close range
Symphysodon discus (Heckel 1840) without stress bars and almost without prominant bars
Festivus eggs with female guarding
Festivus eggs with male guarding

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