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Παλιά 26-09-13, 00:05
Το avatar του χρήστη kgf12345
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Γηραιοί του GAB
Εγγραφή: 08-03-2011
Περιοχή: rio atabapo(μεσα)-alto rio ilioupoli
Μηνύματα: 7.894

παραθεση απο εδω

"Had a 15 inch Oscar....very powerful fish. Destroyed heaters...piles of heaters. Put deep grooves in the filter intake tubes. Bit me many many times during tank cleanings....at times had my entire thumb in his mouth, clamped down and shaking like crazy. Yes, I bled. Never broke the tank though.....and he rammed it on more than one occasion."

"I have to agree with the others. Even a large oscar in, say a 55g would not likely have enough power to break glass. However, I have heard of free floating heaters being rammed against an aquarium wall cracking a tank... although I cannot prove the case, I think it is possible."

"Having raised a 15" Oscar, I can tell you they are quite powerful. Powerful enough to crack tank glass? Not likely. I suppose an oscar could break the tank by knocking over heavy decor. The most damage Dancer ever did, was to dislodge and break a tank lid. I have heard of a very large pacu cracking the seem seal on a tank, but not an Oscar."

που τη βλεπεις την υπερβολη σε αυτο που λεω?

@sofo διαβασε και αυτα
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