Εμφάνιση ενός μόνο μηνύματος
Παλιά 08-01-13, 20:49
Το avatar του χρήστη maria p
maria p Ο χρήστης maria p δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος
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Εγγραφή: 03-01-2009
Περιοχή: χαλάνδρι
Μηνύματα: 1.891

τι έγινε με το χελωνάκι? αν θες διάβασε κι αυτό
Eyes Closed or Swollen
Various types of injury or infection can cause a turtle's eyes to be closed or swollen. Dehydration, ear abscesses, chlorine/chloramines, scratches, bacterial infection, trauma, poor water conditions and poor nutrition are readily causes. Furthermore, this is a potential symptom of a Vitamin A deficiency (Hypovitaminosis A), metabolic bone disease or respiratory infection (RI).

The sensitivity of the eyes allows it to be an early detector of other inflictions. All of these conditions can be serious and unrelated; offering Vitamin A will have no effect if RI is present. The delay in proper treatment may even cause greater harm. Consider swollen eyes as a symptom of a greater disease. If other symptoms exist or form, then immediate medical care is required.

If your RES consistently rub their eyes after a water change, you may suspect high levels of chlorine or chloramines. The use of an aquarium water conditioner may help ease the situation. Home remedies for closed eyes may be small amounts of Vitamin A drops or the application of cod-liver oil onto the eyelids. Try to see if the turtle will open its eyes when dry docked. It is, however, best to seek the help of a qualified vet if there are other symptoms, the condition does not improve, or there is no explanation for the cause. Turtles may refuse to eat if they are unable to see. This can cause an onset of other serious medical conditions.

Additional Article
Eye Problems in Aquatic Turtles - tortoisetrust.org/articles/eyeprobs.htm
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