Εμφάνιση ενός μόνο μηνύματος
Παλιά 04-01-11, 19:11
Το avatar του χρήστη Πάνος
Πάνος Ο χρήστης Πάνος δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος
Εγγραφή: 13-01-2006
Περιοχή: Αλεξανδρούπολη
Μηνύματα: 11.341

σωστος μικρε ακουαριστα!
Αρχική Δημοσίευση από mikrosaquaristas Εμφάνιση μηνυμάτων
οργανικά κατάλοιπα...δεν νομίζω
δεν είναι διαλυμένα στερεά -με την επιστημονική ερμηνεία της λέξης....
δηλαδή οργανικά κατάλοιπα είναι τροφή και κόπρανα και φυτική ύλη ε?
συμφωνα με τα παρακατω εχουμε και οργανικα υλικα....

"A high level of TDS may indicate lots of organic material in the water and a lower ability of the water to hold oxygen. It is often used to indicate a water change is required even if Nitrate levels are low."
( http://theaquariumwiki.com/TDS )

"Total Dissolved Solids (often abbreviated TDS) is a measure of the combined content of all inorganic andorganic substances contained in a liquid in: molecular, ionized or micro-granular (colloidal sol) suspended form. "

ΑΛΛΑ πιο ενδιαφερον και ακριβες νομιζω ειναι αυτο

"What Does a TDS Meter Actually Detect?
Since TDS meters are often used to test water "purity," it is important to understand what they do not detect. As conductivity meters in disguise, TDS meters will only detect mobile charged ions. They will not detect any neutral (uncharged) compounds. Such compounds include sugar, alcohol, many organics (including many pesticides and their residues), and unionized forms of silica, ammonia, and carbon dioxide. These meters also do not detect macroscopic particulates, as those are too large to move in the electric fields applied. So if you see "rusty" looking water from iron oxide particulates, that won't be measured. Neither will anything else that makes the water look cloudy. Bacteria and viruses also won't be detected. "
( http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2004-0...ture/index.php)
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