Εμφάνιση ενός μόνο μηνύματος
Παλιά 21-01-10, 14:44
Το avatar του χρήστη kingrim
kingrim Ο χρήστης kingrim δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος
Senior Member
Εγγραφή: 08-02-2005
Περιοχή: Θεσσαλονίκη
Μηνύματα: 3.102
Αποστολή μηνύματος μέσω MSN στον/στην kingrim

Gas Bubble Disease is a result of supersaturation (excess levels) of the water with the gas, nitrogen. Supersaturation occurs whenever the pressure of a gas in the water is higher than the pressure of the same gas in the surrounding atmosphere. When there is this difference between gas pressures, the gas gets pulled too quickly out of the bloodstream, leaving gas bubbles behind. This is what happens to SCUBA divers who ascend too quickly and create a big difference in gas pressures, which leads to the diver getting gas bubble formation or the “bends”. In fish, gas bubbles can accumulate behind the eye, making it bulge outward.

ξερει κανεις αν μπορει να φταιει το co2?
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