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Παλιά 07-10-07, 15:59
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algae grower
Εγγραφή: 24-01-2007
Περιοχή: Θεσσαλονίκη
Μηνύματα: 1.900

Αυτό που έχουν τα guppies ονομάζεται gill fluke βακτηριακή μόλυνση που τα χτυπάει στα βράγχια. Μάλλον τα αγόρασες έτσι

Gill Sickness
Possibly gill inflammation is caused by many organisms. The gills appear redder than normal and the gill covers, the operculi stand well out so the gills are visible. The progress of the disease is slow- In older fishes, emaciation occurs, the fish. may eat, but not well, and it swims about in an apprehensive fashion. Small fry are lulled quickly. Some experts believe the disease to be a virus, some bacterial, but the type which affects most guppies has consistently been a fungus.
Treatment: Since affected fishes are seldom hardy even if they do recover, it seems best to destroy the diseased fish as soon as they show signs of the sickness. Treatments which have been tried and have not been successful in the gill inflammation among guppies are aureomycin, penicillin, terramycin, hydrogen peroxide. Yet some fanciers have reported miraculous results with antibiotics, an indication that there are several causes, some of which are killed by antibiotics and some not. (1) Metaphen. (2) Mercurochrome. (3) Potassium permanganate. (4) Give fishes some more room. (5) Try using chlorinated city water, leaving fishes in an hour at a time. (6) For large fry and adults, the salt treatment.

Το κείμενο είναι από το site www.guppies.com. Καλή τύχη

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