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zorans83 29-04-11 18:49

My trip to Bulgaria
Hi guys.Like I've mentioned in one of my previous posts I had an idea of informing you about my future trips to different countries and collecting cichlids for my fish house.This time I'm going after some peacocks some common tanganyikans and maybe some mbunas if I like the line better then the ones I already have.Bus is leaving at midnight I arrive tomorrow and should be back home by the end of the day.I plan on taking a lot of videos and less pictures since my photography skills suck :)
Wish me luck and stay tuned ;)

lingistis 29-04-11 19:16

zorans83, we would like to read about your trip and wish you luck with the fish :)

zorans83 29-04-11 19:32

Thanks! :)

zorans83 01-05-11 19:20

4 Συνημμένο(α)
Hey guess who's back from Bulgaria :).
I didn't have my laptop at home so I couldn't upload pictures yesterday and inform you immediately how things wen't.That was working in my favor since I was so angry I would have said a lot of stuff about a neighbor country :)
But not the transportation.Oh no those jerks are not getting away this easily.
This wasn't the worst trip I have had but it definitely was the worst transportation ever.The van I decided to go with was full of smugglers,thieves,ex cons,and a really annoying alcoholic who was so drunk we had to stop 4 times just for him to throw up on the side of the road.The driver was stoping every five minutes fot wc or a drink or something to eat.I kid you not when I say that I actually threatened to kick his ass if one more of my fish was going to die along the way.From that point the trip got really short.Except for one more stop when I went to wc to get fresh water for the fish since the one I got from the original aquariums was thrown out of the van by the stupid driver :) Then I came back to the van to catch the drunk guy poking his hand into my bucket trying to catch the fish.If he weren't drunk I swear to god I was about to hit him :mad:
Besides that all went well.
I didn't have enough time to go to all three destinations I was planing.And guess whos fault was guest it the drivers fault :)
First stop was a dear friend of mine.He is not a breeder but imports fish from the check republic and germany for resale and for him self.Nothing interesting or rare except for some kiriza gold kasangas and ilangis.The rest were some peacocks and mbunas.Here's some pictures just to keep your interest till the videos upload on youtube :)

vaggeliscookman 01-05-11 19:44

... a happy end!
very beautiful fishes :-)

zorans83 01-05-11 20:01

6 Συνημμένο(α)
So next was the trip to a young married couple since I came to bulgaria mostly for their tropheus.Now I know the ikolas are not the most exotic tropheus but they are always on demand not only that but I do like this species and always have a special room for them in my heart.The guys have kept them for 3 years and they are from two different lines one mostly with wider yellow bands and one with narrower bands.The leptosomas were also huge and in great condition.Both ikolas and leptos one female each was caring eggs but spit them during the trip.Heres some photos

panos1972 01-05-11 22:51

Zoki! I understand exactly what you have been through and the way you felt on your trip. I have been traveling around balkan countries since 1990. Every single trip is a story by itself...
Next time try to go by car but not alone...

Your fishes are realy nice and I m sure that you are going to give them the best life in captivity conditions.

I think that you could find A LOT of interesting things about our hobby in this forum. Pity that there is the language barrier...

Good luck with your future trips and with your fishes!
Keep us informed....

zorans83 01-05-11 23:57

Thanks panos1972 :)
this is not my first trip and I hope there are many more to come.These kind of trips are a bit exausting since we're not talking about a lot of fish.I do travel to cech republic bu car and it's much easeur that way.Besides when you go to a big cichlid farm there are plenty of nice strains to choose from.The only difference is when I buy more than 3 boxes I sometimes don't get what I payed for.Mixed fish not correct sizes etc.Not to mention that sometimes even though I have seen the actual parents of the juveniles I bought I ended up with a garbage strain that isn't half as good as some cichlids coming from singapore.
Many cichlid keepers think that in germany and check republic there is no such thing as ugly cichlids.Well that is not always the case :)
It's good to know there is someone else who also is willing to go the distance to get what he want's.And these memories I think will last me a life time :)
You are so right about the language barier.I had a chance to learn Greek since my Grandmother was greek (I think you call them sarakacan ? ) and didn't make much of an effort to learn from her-god rest her soul.I regret that but hey I'm only 28 :) god know what other language I'll learn for these babies
Anyways some videos from the peacocks

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